Remember the wind map of the United States by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda…
Intuitive to look at spatial patterns and great for distributing geographic data.
Earth wind map
Uncertain cartographies
Most people know the layout of their neighborhoods and some are good with…
What Antarctica looks like underneath the ice
Based largely on satellite data and the results of an airborne data collection…
Climate change described visually
A video from the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme explains global warming and projected changes…
MiseryMap of current flight delays and cancelations
FlightAware is a live flight tracker that lets you look up a flight…
Where the public radio is
Andrew Filer mapped the reach of public radio stations in the United Stations,…
Super ZIP codes →
The Washington Post looked at Super ZIP codes, a classification based on household…
Global forest change
Hansen, Potapov, Moore, Hancher et al. produced high-resolution maps of global forestry to…
Running traces
The Endomondo app lets you keep track of your workouts, namely running and…
Estimated coastlines if the ice melted
National Geographic imagined new coastlines (and the cities that would go under) if…
Six decades of U.S. migration
We know that millions of Americans move to different counties every year, and…
Digital attack map
A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack attempts to disable a site or…
Most popular girl names by state
Reuben Fischer-Baum looks at the most popular girl names by state, over the…
Regional personality
Peter J. Rentfrow, et al. studied personality clusters across states using data from…
Super duper full-featured paper map
Check out this awesome new thing called MAP. It’s made of 100% sustainable…
Maritime traffic in the Baltic Sea, animated
Digital artist Lauri Vanhala animated a day of maritime traffic in the Baltic…
Map of median home listing prices
In their continued efforts to help potential home buyers find out all they…
Real-time media consumption
Last year, URL shortening service bitly and Forbes made a map that showed…