Center for Responsive Politics and National Institute on Money in Politics are merging…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Money-in-politics nonprofits merge their datasets
A short film on giving up privacy, for better or worse
We know what you did during lockdown is a short fiction film by…
‘Less than 10 percent’ outdoors
The CDC said that “less than 10 percent” of coronavirus cases were from…
Converting Minecraft worlds to photorealistic ones using neural networks
Researchers from NVIDIA and Cornell University made GANcraft:
GANcraft aims at solving the… -
When you don’t own your face
For The New York Times, Kashmir Hill describes the implications of facial recognition…
Public agencies using facial recognition software without oversight
An anonymous source supplied BuzzFeed News with usage data from Clearview AI, the…
Technopolitics of the U.S. census
Dan Bouk and Danah Boyd wrote an essay on the data infrastructure and…
The Data Journalism Handbook
The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards a Critical Data Practice now has a second…
Teaching statistical models with wine tasting
For The Pudding, Lars Verspohl provides an introduction to statistical models disguised as…
Statistical limits
Reviewing Deborah Stone’s Counting and Tim Harford’s The Data Detective, Hannah Fry discusses…
Inadequate hate crime statistics
For ProPublica, Ken Schwencke reports on a poor data system that relies on…
Rising number of anti-Asian attacks
Russell Jeung, chair of the Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State…
DeepTomCruise breakdown
Chris Ume, with the help of Tom Cruise impersonator Miles Fisher, created highly…
Machine learning to find movie ideas
Speaking of A.I. and fiction, Adam Epstein for Quartz reported on how Wattpad,…
A.I. love story
Pamela Miskhin, in collaboration with The Pudding, wrote a love story. It’s not…
10 statistical lessons from the past pandemic year
The Royal Statistical Society published ten lessons governments should takeaway from this year,…
Forecasting Covid-19 cases in the early goings
There was a lot of uncertainty in the beginning of the pandemic, so…
Definition of an algorithm
Oftentimes we see “algorithms” referenced in various contexts, but the definition of an…
About that one-year decline in life expectancy
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that said life…
AI-generated candy hearts
Continuing her annual tradition, Janelle Shane trained various AI models to generate two-word-all-caps…