You make and publish bits of data about yourself, intentionally and unintentionally, and…
Data Sharing
Sharing is caring.
When data gets creepy
Revealing location history via your phone’s Wi-Fi
When you have your phone’s Wi-Fi turned on, even if you’re not connected…
Strava Metro aims to help cities improve biking routes
Last month, Strava, which allows users to track their bike rides and runs,…
Global status tracker for open government data
The Open Knowledge Foundation launched the Open Data Index, so you can see…
U.S. Open Data Institute
With a $250,000 grant from the Knight Foundation, Waldo Jaquith pushes forward with…
Path Social Networking App Settles FTC Charges
Path, a social networking app that lets you track and share personal information about yourself, settled with the FTC for $800k. They allegedly collected kids’ personal information without their parents’ consent. This is from February but important to know.
Problematic databases used to track employee theft
Employee theft accounts for billions of dollars of lost merchandise per year, so…
How to stop ad trackers →
Is all this tracking and predicting getting out of hand?
PDF data woes
We do not provide these tables in Excel or CSV format. You will…
Open data doesn’t empower communities
internet.artizans reflects on the usefulness of open data:
I’m inspired by the idea… -
Instant electric bike and data collector
When you ride your bicycle around, I bet you always wish for two…
Tim Berners-Lee with an update on open data
If people put data on the Web – government data, scientific data, community…
Open Thread: Is Google Latitude Dangerous?
Google recently released Google Latitude, which is an online application that lets you…
Walker Tracker – A Community Site for Pedometer Fans
Tracking your foot steps with a pedometer just became social.
100 Reasons You Should Be Interested in, Want to Share, and Get Excited About Data
When I talk about data, people often zone out or don’t really see…
Access Restrictions on the Release of Gun Sales Data
I just found this in my draft folder from a while back. It’s…
Second Day of New York Taxi Strikes
As the second day of the New York taxi strike begins over GPS…
Don’t want to share our data / OK, what’re you hiding?
I don’t want my credit card numbers floating around, because then I’d be…
My Mission is to Collect Basic Data
I began my path of higher education at Berkeley as an Electrical Engineering…
Immigration Data Available from Homeland Security
There was a Sharp Rise Seen in Applications for Citizenship, as reported in…