800 pages of Tinder data

Judith Duportail, writing for the Guardian, requested her personal data from dating service Tinder. She got back 800 pages of all the information she voluntarily gave away.

As I flicked through page after page of my data I felt guilty. I was amazed by how much information I was voluntarily disclosing: from locations, interests and jobs, to pictures, music tastes and what I liked to eat. But I quickly realised I wasn’t the only one. A July 2017 study revealed Tinder users are excessively willing to disclose information without realising it.

Is it bad that all I can think of is Facebook sitting in front of a fireplace with a glass of scotch muttering under its breath: “800 pages? Child’s play.”

Of course after hearing some big number or quantity that defines how much information a company has on an individual, everyone raises their eyebrows. And then they go right back to plugging in more information about themselves.

Good times ahead, I am sure.