
Graphics by Nathan Yau, borne out of everyday curiosities, learning experiments, and mild insomnia.

Second impeachment

Unemployment and Occupation

Unemployment has hit some industries more than others. Here's how the most recent estimates compare against last year's.

NBA Players Traded, Historical Percentages

It seems like there’s been more player movement than usual over the years. Didn’t players used to play on a single team for the entirety of their careers?

Leftover Turkey Flowchart

I roasted a turkey. There were a lot of leftovers. But my mom taught me to never waste.

What to Call Your Distant Relative

When you have a big family, it's a challenge to figure out how everyone is related. So here are some charts to help you figure it out.

Who Makes More Money

Someone mentioned that $400,000+ per year was commonplace in American households. That seemed like an odd comment.

Air Quality Mapped Over Time

With wildfires burning in the western United States, smoke fills the air. This is an animation of the air quality during the past couple of months.

Timeline of California Wildfires

The wind was blowing smoke and ash from wildfires further up north from where I live. The sky turned an eerie orange. I wondered about past fires and made the chart below.

Multiple Causes of Death

There's a 6 percent figure from the CDC that could be easily misinterpreted. Here's what it means.

Shot chart for Aug 26 2020 NBA playoffs

Redefining Old Age

What is old? When it comes to subjects like health care and retirement, we often think of old in fixed terms. But as people live longer, it's worth changing the definition.

2020 Progress Bars

I thought March was only 31 days, but the system seems stuck. Did anyone try turning it off and on again.

Finding the New Age, for Your Age

You've probably heard the lines about how "40 is the new 30" or "30 is the new 20." What is this based on? I tried to solve the problem using life expectancy data. Your age is the new age.

This Age is the New Age

30 is the new 20. Wait. 40 is the new 20. No, scratch…

Parenting and Work Schedule During the Pandemic

Working from home was an ideal that many strived for. For many, it still is, but for those with kids who have to learn from home, the schedule change is less than ideal.