Data Underload
People worry about data overload. Fooey. Charts and musings by Nathan Yau.
Timeline of California Wildfires
The wind was blowing smoke and ash from wildfires further up north from where I live. The sky turned an eerie orange. I wondered about past fires and made the chart below.
Multiple Causes of Death
There's a 6 percent figure from the CDC that could be easily misinterpreted. Here's what it means.
Redefining Old Age
What is old? When it comes to subjects like health care and retirement, we often think of old in fixed terms. But as people live longer, it's worth changing the definition.
Finding the New Age, for Your Age
You've probably heard the lines about how "40 is the new 30" or "30 is the new 20." What is this based on? I tried to solve the problem using life expectancy data. Your age is the new age.
Restaurant Reopenings, a Comparison to Last Year
Restaurants are reopening for dining across the United States. Some states are doing it faster than others.
Racial Divide
It's hard to think of much else. These maps show the racial divide between black and white people in major cities.
Impact on Households in the United States
The Census Bureau has been running the Household Pulse Survey since April 23, 2020 to get some gauge for how the pandemic is changing things at home. Here's how things look so far.
Who Funds the World Health Organization
A couple of weeks ago — or maybe it was a couple of years ago, I’m not sure — the administration announced it would withdraw funding from the World Health Organization. Here's what that does to the overall picture.
Game of Distraction
They say a watched pot never boils. So here's a game where you try to make the pot boiling by looking somewhere else.
Toilet Paper Calculator
Maybe you're starting to run low. Here's how much you'll need when you go to restock.
Guessing Names Based on What They Start With
I'm terrible at names, but maybe data can help. Put in your sex, the decade when you were born, and start putting in your name. I'll try to guess before you're done.
Best Directors Who Were Not White Men
From 1928, the year of the first Academy Awards, to 2019, there have been 455 nominations for Best Director. Of those, 18 of them went to non-white men.
Occupation Growth and Decline
We looked at shifts in job distribution over the past several decades, but it was difficult to see by how much each occupation group changed individually. This chart makes the changes more obvious.
Shifts in Job Distribution
In the 1950s, almost half of all employed people were either in farming or manufacturing. As you can imagine, work changed a bit over the years.