[arve url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDMtGT0b_kg” /]
It feels like magic. I think there’s a magic trick…
Voronoi diagram from smooshing paint between glass
Voronoi diagram of people in the park
From Rod Bogart, a Voronoi diagram of people sitting in Bryant Park. It’s…
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Voronoi Diagram and Delaunay Triangulation in R
package by Rolf Turner makes the calculations and plotting straightforward, with a few lines of code. -
FoamTree: Visualize hierarchical data with a lot of groups
For small-ish amounts of hierarchical data, most JavaScript libraries can handle the load.…
Yacht design inspired by Voronoi diagram
Industrial architect Hyun-Seok Kim, known for eccentric yacht designs, uses Voronoi diagrams as…