Plotting library in Python
Resource Links
Chaco →
Where Violent Crimes Happen →
Designing Programs →
I posted this a while back, but they had to take it down for some reason. It’s back now. Features interviews with Casey Reas, Amanda Cox, and others
How to get privacy right →
More data, more we need to make sure our identity is safe
Gabriel Dance profile →
Interactive editor of The Guardian, formerly of NYT and News Corp.
Jonathan Harris talk →
His talk will be live-streamed tonight at 7pm EST
A Case Study In How Infographics Can Bend The Truth →
Three graphs, same data from different angles [via]
Interactive visualization with D3 + ggplot2 →
Choppy but a good start
D3 introduction →
Great slide deck from Mike Bostock’s D3 workshop; a must for anyone new to the library
Plotting Differences →
Do the math yourself and save readers the trouble; also more informative a lot of the time
Nicholas Felton on the Verge →
His annual report came out recently; the interviews follow
Visualization tutorials list →
How-tos from around the Web for R, D3, and the now-defunct Protovis [via]
“APIs are for nerds (Nerds who build freaking awesome sports stuff.)” [via]
Open Data Handbook →
Why, what and how of open data from Open Knowledge Foundation
Data for the Public Good →
Free ebook on making use of open government data [via]
ggplot2 0.9.0 →
Newest version of the R graphics package contains a lot of new features and updates
What is a data scientist? →
Guardian asks actual data scientists what data science is. Recurring theme is a blending.
Recreating lattice in ggplot2 →
Other than with base R functionality, people typically use Lattice or ggplot2. In this multi-part post, lattice plots are recreated with ggplot2, code snippets included
Morris.js →
Lightweight library for time series charts
Bikini Chart →
Inversion for clarity; interesting use of gradient