Gimme more circles, and I mean more
Resource Links
The Conflicted Data Analyst →
The Flight From Conversation →
“we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection.”
How data could help fix London’s transport woes →
“Anything we can do to squeeze more utility out of the existing infrastructure is going to help.”
Google Charts API deprecated →
I guess it ended up not making much change to the field after all
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Including Your Location →
Beware of the EXIF data
Gamification and The New York Times →
“Games are not just about making things funny.”
Who Made That Pie Chart? →
“the first pie chart to display empirical proportions and to differentiate the component parts by color”
Statistics One →
Free Princeton course “designed to be a friendly introduction to very simple, very basic, fundamental concepts in statistics” [via]
Getting Started With Data →
Bitly chief data scientist on finding data and looking for stories in it [via]
Data Scientists: The New Rock Stars of the Tech World →
Interview with Jake Porway, founder of Data Without Borders
UX vs. UI explained with cereal →
Bowl, meet spoon.
Diagramly →
Make basic online flow diagrams
D3 and map libraries →
Discussion thread on mapping with the JavaScript library
Datasets Archive →
A subreddit for data
OpenLayers Symbology →
JavaScript library for choropleth, proportional symbol, cartogram, dot density, and isoline mapping
Overcoming Artificial Stupidity →
“Wolfram|Alpha is now on average giving complete, successful responses to more than 90% of the queries entered on its website”
Rickshaw →
Built on top of D3 for easier time series charts
Quantum GIS →
Open source alternative to the high-priced commercial GIS software
Insight Data Science Fellows Program →
Six-week post-doc training fellowship to form bridges across academia and practice
Changing map colors →
The Guardian Datablog posted a choropleth map; readers helped them fix it