Bad charts and maps are common, but there’s usually a better response than pointing and laughing. Not all the time, but usually.
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Evaluating Bad Visualization
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Better or Less Bad
People like to judge charts by pointing out all the things that are wrong, which is limiting in practice.
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Using Visualization Feedback
The process of taking in visualization feedback to improve towards where you want to go.
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Backwards Visualization Critique – The Process 159
At least it gave us something to look forward to.
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That Time My Chart Was on the Reddit Front Page and Everyone Hated It (The Process #56)
Something I made was on the front page of Reddit. Cool. The problem: thousands of people downvoted it. Here’s what I learned.
Criticism vs. Creation
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Filmmaker Kevin Smith talks about making things versus critiquing them.… -
Business intelligence vs. infotainment
Business intelligence expert Stephen Few goes on another rant about information graphics —…