The logistics of being a 60-foot man must be a pain.…
Marvel size chart
Marvel Cinematic Universe as a 3-D network
The Straits Times visualized the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a 3-D browsable network.…
Data Comics
Comics are a way to tell stories and for a while now, people…
Gender representation in comic books
Amanda Shendruk for The Pudding analyzed how genders are represented differently in comic…
Same source, different styles →
Jaakko Seppälä drew ten comic characters, each in its original style and in…
Superhero HR dashboard
Talent Lab is an application for human resource professionals to evaluate a work…
Color timeline for Avengers comic book covers
The Avengers comic has been around since 1963 and the look and feel…
X-Men family tree
Amusing from graphic designer Joe Stone, although not as good as the crazy-detailed…