
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Zappos Maps Sales in Real-time

Zappos, the online shoe retailer, maps sales across the United States in real-time.…

Web Trends Map from Information Architects, 4th edition

Information Architects, a design firm with offices in Japan and Zurich, release their…

Sprint Commercial Tells Us What’s Happening Right Now

Sprint’s “now” promotion seems to be in full swing. In line with their…

24 Hours of Geotagged Photos on Flickr

Daniel Catt from Flickr maps 24 hours worth of geotagged photos (about 64,000…

Music That Makes You Dumb

Virgil Griffith, a CalTech graduate student, follows up books that make you dumb…

Make This Sitcom Map More Informative

This map from Dan Meth displays popular sitcoms by where they took place.…

Phrase Net Shows the Secret Life of Words

Many Eyes, the social data analysis site, released another visualization tool – Phrase…

New York Times Shines at International Infographics Awards

The infographics and news design blogs have been buzzing the past few days…

Facebook: On the Road to 200 million Users

As we learned last week, Facebook has been growing worldwide ever since it…

Legal Drinking Age Around the World

While we’re on the topic of beer (it is Friday after all), let’s…

Where Can You Find America’s Best Beer?

Mike Wirth maps medal winners from the Great American Beer Festival from 1987…

Check In on the State of the Economy

This interesting chart from Russel Investments shows the current state of the economy…

Explore Multiple Time Series in Third Dimension

Roland Lößlein, a media student at University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg, presents…

Little Red Riding Hood, the Animated Infographic Story

Tomas Nilsson, a graphic design student from Linköping University, tells the story of…

AIG Bailout: Where $173 billion Went

Nicolas Rapp and Damiko Morris of Associated Press delve into the AIG bailout.…

Social Weather Mapping From Google Chrome Experiment

In the promotion of its speedy javascript, Google announces the Chrome Experiment. As…

Bus Bench is an Infographic of Guilt

I’ve given a few talks on my work with self-surveillance, and there is…

One Song Sang By 2,088 Voices – Mechanical Turk Rendition

Aaron Koblin and Daniel Massey team up to give us Bicycle Built for…