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More than mean, median, and mode.
Elements of Statistical Learning →
Data Analysis (with R) on Coursera
Jeff Leek, an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School…
Solving for W →
I’ve been on a statistics-for-basketball spree as of late
How Obama’s data scientists built a volunteer army →
Changing times and new ways to reach people
Big data at Riot Games →
Learning how people play their games to provide more fun
Statistical network of basketball →
By now, everyone’s heard of Moneyball. Applying statistics to baseball to build the…
The differences between machine learning, data mining, and statistics
From machine learning to data mining. From statistics to probability. A lot of…
A new kind of resource
Jer Thorp talks ethics in the data-as-new-oil metaphor:
[W]e need to change the… -
Machines and built-in morality
With Google’s driverless cars now street legal in California, Florida, and Nevada, Gary…
Archive of datasets bundled with R
R comes with a lot of datasets, some with the core distribution and…
Incredibly divided nation in a map
I knew things were bad, but I didn’t know they were this bad.…
How Nate Silver won the election with Data Science →
How Nate Silver won the election with Data Science. Statisticians won this round.
How Silver predictions performed
By way of Rafa Irizarry from Simply Statistics, a plot of Nate Silver’s…
A quick lesson on making predictions
Political analyst and statistician Nate Silver has gotten some flack lately for consistently…
Data on decades of Boy Scout expulsions released
The Los Angeles Times released nearly 5,000 records of allegations from the Boy…
The birthday problem explained
How many people does it take for there to be a 50% chance…
Data for good, not bad
I’m so glad there are people like Jake Porway in the world. The…
Hiring a data scientist
Thomas H. Davenport and D.J. Patil give the rundown on what a data…
Humans predicting the weather
Nate Silver says the weatherman is not a moron.
Still, most people take… -
Analyzing text messages to save lives
Nancy Lublin, CEO of Do Something, gives a five-minute TED talk on the…