You typically hear about data breaches in terms of number of records that…
More than mean, median, and mode.
How stolen data affects you
Twitter bot generates biographies via Census data
We usually see Census data in aggregate. It comes in choropleth maps or…
Fudging the crime statistics and police misconduct
CompStat is a program that started in the New York Police Department, and…
Download data for 1.7 billion Reddit comments
There’s been all sorts of weird stuff going on at Reddit lately, but…
Student’s Dilemma, a riff of the Prisoner version with extra credit
By way of Chris Volinsky, a quiz dilemma for students who want extra…
Discrimination algorithms
Claire Cain Miller for the Upshot on when algorithms discriminate:
There is a… -
Placement matching algorithms
Students want to get into a school, and schools want certain students. Match.…
Problem solving game teaches statistics lesson →
From the Upshot, A Quick Puzzle to Test Your Problem Solving. Play it.…
A surveillance system that watches over an entire city
Technology continues to advance quickly, but the social questions are lagging a bit.…
Statistics to weed out fraud
As the Michael LaCour brouhaha settles into the archives of the Internet and…
Computer program learns to play classic Nintendo games
I knew I had seen another automated video game thing before. Tom Murphy…
Automated Super Mario World gameplay through machine learning
Seth Bling made a bot — MarI/O — that automatically learns how to…
Spurious Correlations, the book
Last year Tyler Vigen put together a fun project that found strong correlation…
Oldest person in the world keeps dying
Gertrude Weaver, 116 years old, was the oldest person in the world for…
Loans from Freddie and Fannie that defaulted after the bubble
Under the directive of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, started to release detailed…
Reddit button ends, and here’s the click data
On April 1, Reddit posted a simple button with a 60-second timer that…
Cost to replace cable with streaming services, etc
The Washington Post has a straightforward calculator to figure out how much it…
A color analysis of Western films
Kevin Ferguson examined color usage in Western films from various angles. One of…
Aggregate the Los Angeles realtime bus feed
There is a realtime feed for the location of Los Angeles buses. It’s…
Iowa liquor sales data, 3m rows
Iowa released liquor sales data for weekly purchases at the store level.