The Washington Post has a fun piece that compares your age to that of Olympic athletes over the past three years.
In the past three Summer Olympics, 64 of the U.S. team’s 1,707 athletes have been age 40 and older — and they won 23 medals. As we watch 16-year olds compete in the gymnastics events, even the 20-somethings among us look back regretfully and wonder if our glory days have passed. Here, we take a look at which sports skew young and which allow for more longevity. In which events might you still have a chance this summer?
Enter your gender and age, and the chart updates with a slider that shows the events that you still have hope for. I don’t know about you, but I’m going for shooting.
The initial view shows both male and female ranges in an overlapping bar chart (Is there a formal name for it?), which has been showing up a little more lately, instead of a clustered bar chart. It’s a more compact view, which can be useful when there are a lot of categories.