A font for creating charts
Resource Links
Chartwell →
Python scripting console for Gephi →
Manipulate the graph structure by typing commands
US Government Has More “Big Data” Than It Knows What to Do With →
Of the federal government IT professionals who collect big data, fewer than half said they extrapolate any meaningful trends from it
Free Strata Online Conference: Data That Matters →
Surfing the Data Deluge to build a better world. May 16th 9:00-10:30am PST
Information is Lost When Transforming 2D Data into 1D →
Part of a series on the challenges of null hypothesis significance testing
Questions to ask →
Things to consider before you make a graphic
How to Choose the Best Chart for Your Data →
Forgot to include exploration in the beginning, otherwise fine
Apple drops Google Maps →
In-house maps coming to iOS6; was just a matter of time
Hadley Wickham interview →
“challenge is balancing the tension between exploration and presentation”
Big Data means sustainability →
“What if we started using data, not just to ask what type of movie we wanted but to see but what type of world we want to see?”
D3 without SVG →
Works in Internet Explorer. People still use that browser?
The Physics of The Hulk’s Jump →
Detailed look at the force required for such a feat
How we visualised gay rights in America →
The Guardian process for this impressive interactive
R in client applications →
Can be integrated in a number of ways
Mistakes and Phantom Blocks →
Geographic inconsistencies in iconic New York subway map
What Cartography Taught Me about Science Writing →
Keep on whittling until you get to the storyline
No such thing as too much data →
I’m sure there’s a breaking point, but we’re not there yet. Not even close.
Selected Tools →
Good list of software for maps, charts, and ata
R is not enough for Big Data →
Tools are just that, experience is most valuable [via]
Federal Spending Transparency on the Decline →
Questionable data quality and less funding