Maybe we should get rid of reading and writing, too
Resource Links
Is algebra necessary? →
Open Government Data Principles →
Should be complete, timely, not in aggregate
Interactive Spaces →
Google releases API to make rooms digitally interactive
Vizify →
Another site to turn your personal data into an infographic. Why?
Census API →
It only took a kajillion dollars, but they finally have one
Really Big Objects Coming to R →
Maximum vector length making its way to 252; “That’s a lot of McNuggets.”
How to visualise social structure →
Applying new techniques to old Census data
Viral infographics and useful visual communication →
Stupid 10-second rule
The Future of Big Data
Results from Pew survey on what to look forward to and what not to
The Data Stack: A Structured Approach →
Layers of a data-driven application
Data science: tools vs. craft →
Data science: tools vs. craft. It takes more than a program to do something useful.
Sometimes Less Really Is Less →
Reducing complexity
Interview with Hilary Mason of bitly →
“I’m a firm believer in finding the smartest people you can, and letting them use whatever works best.”
Infographics Are Not a Social Media Strategy →
Need something i.e. ideas or data for people to talk about
You don’t need a real-time dashboard →
Technically impressive, but usually not useful for real decisions
What Social Networks Know About You →
Graphic on the data that they have; probably would’ve been a lot easier to read as a grid instead of a circle
Droughts on deadline →
Making a bunch of maps using maptools in R; actually really easy once you have the data
Resistance to data →
Use it to verify your gut feelings
Oil of the digital age →
Mobile tech advances; so do possibilities
Measuring education →
Need to pay attention to what you’re using as an indicator