It’s a common belief that if someone has a medical condition, a patient…
Telling stories with data and graphics.
Chances that a drug treatment helps
Snow depth by dogs
For the US east coasters and their pets.…
Sexual insecurities found in Google search results
Seth Stephens-Davidowitz continues with his Google search data-related op-eds for the New York…
Book checkouts from the British Library
In efforts to emphasize the importance of the library (very), the British Library…
Turning 30, explained with charts
You get older as time passes. (That’s how age works last time I…
Auto recalls for the year set record
There were a lot of auto recalls — 62 million of them —…
Cookie ingredient variants
For the holiday cookie makers, this one from Tessa Arias is for you.…
News that China blocks
China blocks sites from its citizens. We know this. But, what do they…
Understanding segregation with a simulation
In 1971, Nobel laureate economist Thomas Schelling proposed that a desire to have…
Why you feel bloated after holiday meals →
Because that’s what happens when you eat ten full plates of turkey and…
English versus Chinese color descriptors
Color exists on a continuous spectrum, but we bin them with names and…
Planets as fruit to show scale
I still don’t understand the relative size of planets. The universe is too…
Basketball shot
Todd Lindeman and Lazaro Gamio for the Washington Post explored shooting patterns for…
Most cited research papers →
In the department of comparing large numbers to objects and situations that are…
Relative size of astronomy stuff
Look! More size of very big things with large numbers, compared against things…
Halloween costume rankings
Accompanying their segment on Halloween stores stocking costumes, NPR ranks bestsellers for the…
Visual summary of skateboarding tournament
George Murphy visualized the results of this year’s skateboarding tournament Battle at the…
F1 racing winners and age
So here’s a sport I don’t see or hear much about. F1 racing,…