Data Underload

People worry about data overload. Fooey. Charts and musings by Nathan Yau.

The Most Unisex Names in US History

Moving on from the most trendy names in US history, let’s look at…

Most popular porn searches, by state

We’ve seen that we can learn from what people search for, through the…

In search of food deserts

Last time I looked at where major grocery stores are across the United…

Doctor timeline for Doctor Who

I have yet to see a full episode of Doctor Who, “the longest-running…

The Most Trendy Names in US History

Names are incredibly personal things. It’s how we identity ourselves. We associate others,…

Grocery store geography

I’ve been poking around grocery store locations, courtesy of AggData, the past few…

What the Sexes Want, in Speed Dating

A few years ago I downloaded speed dating data from experiments conducted by…

The real A/C repair schedule

My central air conditioner started to suck about a month ago, so I…

What 3-D pie charts are good for

3-D pie charts are never a good idea? Ha. You just got served.…

Why I Want to Quit Cable

There are good reasons to cancel cable, but there were a few channels and programs that kept me on. When you look at it in dollars though, it's hard to justify the value for the cost.

What costs more in 2011?

After seeing this article and graphic on the rising cost of food in…

Who spends the most years in retirement?

Early retirement. That’s what most people want, unless you’re lucky enough to love…

In land of YouTube dislikes, Justin Bieber rules

Happy Friday, everyone. If you’ll allow me, I’d like to take a moment…

Valentine’s Day importance

(This might look a little different for men and women.) Long before any…

States with the most and fewest firearms murders

According to 2009 numbers reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, DC, Louisiana,…