Data Underload

People worry about data overload. Fooey. Charts and musings by Nathan Yau.

Work Cohorts

See how many people are in various work cohorts, given education, annual income, weekly hours, and commute time.

Network of Supermarket Chains

Here's the current landscape of supermarket parent companies and their subsidiaries — national chains, regional, local, co-ops, specialty, ethnic, and discount.

Where Health Insurance Comes From in the United States

About half of people have private health insurance through an employer. However, the other half get their insurance from elsewhere or through a combination of sources.

Peak Thanksgiving Food

One of the highlights of Thanksgiving in the United States is the food, as seen through the lens of Google Trends.

Mike Tyson Fights Against Age

A timeline showing the age difference between Mike Tyson and his opponents, over his career that started in 1985.

Employment Rates and Age, More Work and More Years

We can see the changing scales of who works and for how long through employment rates by age and time.

50/50 Spins

For no particular reason on this particular day, here are spinners to try your hand at random everyday things with even odds. Good luck.

Presidential Election Chances, Practice Run

See how different probabilities lead to different outcomes with an interactive chart.

Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Adoption in the States

About 4% of registered light-duty vehicles in the United States are either electric,…

Jobs of a Certain Age

There are hundreds of occupations, and while the exact number varies by classification system, most U.S. government organizations list about 500 of them. These are the standouts.

Retirement Ages by Country

China recently increased their retirement age to 63 for men and 55 for women. Even with the adjustment, the country is still on the lower end when compared to other countries.

When Americans Stop Working

Normal retirement age, also known as full retirement age, is 67 years old for those born in 1960 or later. It's common for people to stop working before this age, but they're veering older.

Where the Crops Grow

Since weather and land availability vary across the country, so do the crops. This is the cropland geography of the United States.

Renting vs. Owning a Home as We Get Older

One-third of households are rented and the other two-thirds are owned or in the process. However, the difference between renting and owning changes with age.

See How Your Weight Compares

Are more Americans heavier than you or are they lighter? The following chart compares your weight against other adults.