Peace is what comes to mind when I think of my grandma.
Nathan Yau
Grandma, Thank You For Giving Us Something to Smile About
How to Read and Use a Box-and-Whisker Plot
Believe it or not, the box-and-whisker is not just a box and some whiskers.
Mapping Manhattan’s Skyscraper Districts Through Time
Manhattan Timeformations looks like a series of interactive schematics from a video game,…
Spamology From Visualizar is Available for Exploration
This spam visualization, by Irad Lee, was one of favorite projects at Visualizar.
Headed to Computational Journalism at Georgia Tech
Advances in News Gathering, Improving Journalism Workflow, Social Computing and Journalism, Ubiquitous Journalism.
A Lesson in Recycling Chartjunk as Junk Art
In this age of abundant data, it is technically challenging to infuse graphics with as much of it as possible.
Understanding Data, Not Just the Realm of Scientists in Ivory Towers
This guest post is by Hadley Wickham, a Statistics PhD candidate and a…
Comparing Roger Clemens to Hall of Fame Pitchers
For fun, I tried graphing Clemens’ past ERAs against the ERAs for the 16 most recent hall of fame pitchers.
Weekend Minis – Design Paradigms, Colbert Bump, and Bullet Graphs
For your long, relaxing weekend, enjoy some visualization treats.
Showing Historical & Cultural Connections and Mapping Influence
This guest post is by Mike Love, and he answers my question —…
Increasing Data Literacy Across the General Public With Truth and Beauty
Matthew Hurst, from Microsoft Live Labs and the co-creator of BlogPulse, answers my…
Speed Dating Data – Attractiveness, Sincerity, Intelligence, Hobbies
What do others look for in the opposite sex? How do you measure up? Find the answers in this speed dating dataset.
Data Makes Reasonable Decision-making Possible
This guest post is by Andrew Gelman from Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and…
Tap Into the Wisdom of Crowds, Make Money by Predicting Future Events
There are two roles at Predictify — those who answer and those who ask — and you can do both.
May the Data Be With You, Young Skywalker
Change the word ‘force’ to ‘data’ in your favorite Star Wars quotes, and you’ll suddenly understand what I mean by flowing data.
What is Data and Why Do We Care About it So Much?
A select group of experts from several different fields were nice enough to share with me what data means to them.
Who’s Going to Win Super Bowl XLII?
Getting ready for the big game with chips in one hand and betting ticket in the other.
Weekend Minis – Government, Environment & Angry Employee
For your long-awaited Super Bowl weekend, shed some light on the government and don’t forget to backup your data.
Bad Statistics Leads to Poor Results and a Questionable Trial Verdict
Oxford mathematician, Peter Donnelly gives a TED talk on the common mistakes we make when interpreting Statistics.
NSF Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
Achieve international glory with your scientific visualization submission.