Inverse population density
Resource Links
Where the 0.05% Live →
Empowering Citizen Cartographers →
“Today, in the Age of Participation, it’s crowds, not scholars, who are charting their own New World.”
First steps in data visualisation using d3.js →
Tutorial talk by Mike Dewar, data scientist at [via]
Embracing Uncertainty in Two-Line Charts →
And when a stacked area chart might be better
How The New York Times Graphics Department Uses R →
Amanda Cox, the token statistician, talks R and its role in professional graphics [via]
Good bye, Google Maps →
Sebastian Delmont explains why and how StreetEasy stopped using Google Maps, switching to custom maps with open source tools
The 2012 Political Visualization Race →
Breakdown of what worked and didn’t with news trackers for the New Hampshire primaries
Mining of Massive Datasets →
Let’s Keep Symbol Maps Clean And Tidy →
Math to reduce overlap and increase readability [via]
Two tales of one dataset →
Simple dataset, but two graphs tell different stories of rainfall
Perception: Gestalt Laws →
How we see patterns. Second in the series from Jorge Camoes, geared towards Excel users, but applicable across different software
Predictions for Online Data in 2012 →
Predictive analytics, the talent grab, and non-profits [via]
Graphics Collection →
As part of a masters thesis project, a collection of information graphics from The New York Times and The Guardian
A Slopegraph Update →
Read the original summary of the method first
Map your Twitter followers in R →
Quick hack that shows where your Twitter followers are from
NASA open sources code →
“Will your code someday escape our solar system or land on an alien planet?” [via]
Facts are Sacred →
Guardian’s short eBook on how they do data
‘Data journalism’ draws the line between the quick and the dead →
Maybe there’s something to this numbers thing
indiemapper is free →
A Histogram is not a Bar Chart →