Loss for the Bureau, a gain for the university
Resource Links
Census director resigns to Georgetown →
Visual Aesthetics →
How they play a role in human-computer interaction and evaluating them
Mapping Process →
The steps behind making NYT map in R, showing where Rick Santorum stood before he suspended his campaign
Text Processing with MapReduce →
From Twitter engineer Jimmy Lin; free download on github
Visualizing Twitter →
Roundup of interactives to explore tweets, retweets, and connections
What makes good data visualization →
Discussion from a variety of fields, including my adviser
Design is a Job →
“Work of the web designer goes well beyond pixel-pushing beautification.” Applies especially well to data designers [via]
Why Statistics? →
Seems promising, if you have access to Science
Data Stories →
“I have a goal in life: To rid the world of bad PowerPoint slides.”
Designing Data Visualizations →
An almost two-hour long, analytics-focused talk
geo-how-to →
Tips and tricks for making your own maps
Manhattan-like grids in the brain →
More organized and less chaotic than previously thought
Streets Visualized →
Make your own local Ben Fry-esque All Streets
Ember and D3 →
How Square built a responsive analytics page
Charities Use Infographics for Attention →
Well, a lot of people are these days. There are some pointers in here though how not to do it crappy.
The New World of Massive Data Mining →
Podcast on the growing number of uses
Abstract City →
There’s a book! A print version of Niemann’s blog
Producing SciAm Infographics in the Era of “Big Data” →
A change in focus to clarity and simplicity from one of technologies last year
Rendering High Resolution Maps in Kartograph →
Shows a lot of potential
The Man Who Broke Atlantic City →
Long story short, as a high-roller, he negotiated small changes at the Black Jack table and was able to shave the house advantage.