What does the geography of incarceration in the US look like?
Resource Links
Prison Map →
Anyone can do it. Data journalism is the new punk →
This is a dataset, here are some free tools, now be a data journalist
n0tice – The open journalism toolkit →
From The Guardian
Sankey diagrams in D3 →
From Mike Bostock
What could revolutionize health care? →
Huge database may help answer the question “Why is health care so expensive?”
The fine line between plagiarism and inspiration →
Thoughts on copying, inspiration, and attribution by Andy Kirk
Crash course on design thinking →
From Stanford’s d.school
Hours, days, who’s counting? →
Jon Udell’s thoughts on quantitative literacy
The Weight of the Moon (ball) →
Visuals in public education
7 Essential Books on Data Visualization & Computational Art →
Visualize This didn’t make the cut, but a good list nonetheless
Winners announced →
International Space Apps Challenge
This is how we do it →
Infochimps secret sauce
New courses from R gurus →
Both in-person and online courses
Facebook is worth more than… →
A fun and horrifying plaything from NYT
Introducing the Google Knowledge Graph →
“changing from an information engine to a knowledge engine”
Three steps for exciting storytelling →
from McSweeney’s
School of Data Journalism – Getting Stories from Data workshop →
“there are stories everywhere in data”
Quadrigram →
A visual programming environment to gather, shape, and share living data
School of Data Journalism – Making Data Pretty workshop →
3 leading data journalists present their favorite data tools
Word clouds considered harmful →
“mullet of the internet”