Gotta get it in the right format before you visualize anything
Resource Links
Manipulating data like a boss with d3 →
Bitly Data Artist →
Probably after seeing what Jer Thorp did as one at NYT, the shortlink service is out the lookout
jQuery plugin that associates HTML vocabulary “making it frighteningly easy to make web-native geographic maps”
gmaps.js →
Makes using Google Maps API trivial
Interview with Amanda Cox →
Her workflow at NYT
Don’t use scatterplots →
An argument for defaulting to density plots. Doesn’t pan out for smaller datasets
VivaGraphJS →
Impressive graph drawing library. Check out the demos linked part way down.
How maps were made for America Revealed →
Mostly in-house software by 422 South [via]
What data can and cannot do →
Reality check for what power you actually gain from data
Dashboards talk too much →
Focus on what questions users are asking, and design around the answers
Politwoops →
Deleted tweets from politicians
Why no one reads stat literature →
Because most people don’t give a crap
Piktochart →
Another infographic-building site. Not optimistic, but maybe worth a look.
Data Therapy: Creative Ways to tell your Story with Data →
Hacks/Hackers event in Cambridge, MA: 5/30 at 6pm
Claiming open visualization →
Open source, open data, open visualization?
Don’t use scatterplots →
Suggests plotting density, not points
The Life and Death of Words →
Hysterical TEDx talk about words using Google n-grams for research
arbor.js →
A graph visualization library using web workers and jQuery
GeoStats →
Upload and analyze location data from OpenPaths
sigma.js →
An open-source lightweight JavaScript library to draw graphs