Skills for visualization; see also
Resource Links
8 hats of data visualisation design →
Mike Bostock joins NYT →
Great news for both
Data we have vs. data we want →
Deciding what analysis results can be expanded to the real world
HiveR →
The Slow Web →
Value in not knowing everything immediately
Google lowers price for Maps API usage →
From $4 per 1,000 loads, down to 50 cents
Peity →
jQuery plugin that converts an element’s content into a mini pie, line, or bar chart [via]
Datawrapper →
Open source data visualization, geared towards journalists
IBM Predictive Analytics Suite →
New software as they continue on with their Smarter Planet push [via]
Doing the Line Charts Right →
Keeping it simple and highlighting what’s important
AgileGraph →
Another online dashboard maker; has a demo you can use with your Gmail
Mis-charting economic history →
Critique and remake of a widely spread but poorly made chart
D3 + Leaflet →
Bostock keeps on churning, redering GeoJSON shapes
Tips for Grad Students in Statistics →
Tips for Grad Students in Statistics. Oh, now they tell me.
Privacy matters even if you have nothing to hide →
Stumbled on this year old article by Daniel J. Solove professor of law at George Washington University
How to create a scientific visualization →
Short video on the process
Big Data disguises digital doubts →
“Albro worries that the hype over Big Data is warming up for Big Disappointment down the road.”
Google Analytics and Processing →
The beginnings of a sketch
Visualization progress →
Proposal for moving the field forward
Scatter plots and heat maps in Illustrator →
Well, pseudo heat maps anyway