Streamgraph seems to be growing into de facto chart type for Twitter trends
Resource Links
Olympic stars of Twitter →
Another bad Fox chart →
They just need to learn how to use bar charts
If you want to help inform the public, you need to actually inform. →
A critique of the arms trade interactive from Google
Sunlight Academy →
Tutorials on working with government data
Wikipedia Redefined →
Redesign kinda works, but some might argue that Wikipedia’s barebones approach is a reason for its success
How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking →
I went on a backup spree after reading this
fecmaster →
Import all FEC data from 1980 and beyond into PostgreSQL database
Olympic Graphics →
NYT put links to all the graphics they’ve done on one page
Review of Tufte one-day course →
Kosara didn’t like it, which is what I expected
Get heart rate using R and Ruby →
Grab data from webcam or phone camera, and then analyze
three.js →
A JavaScript 3-D library with impressive demos
What Data Scientists Can Learn From Data Artists →
Martin Wattenberg knows what he’s talking about
Twitter Flu Trends →
Like the Google version, predicts when the flu will hit
How the Public Uses Local Government Maps →
“less GIS and a lot more user-friendly auto-complete and SEO”
G-Analytics →
Helping governments share ideas on how to make use of open data
Efficient JavaScript vector math →
Get it running smoothly
Edge Prediction in a Social Graph →
I like how a Twitter data scientist is working on a Facebook challenege
Text Processing Excursion →
Working from the command line [via]
Why science really needs big data →
“big data is becoming more pervasive to society”
Data Visualization: It’s Pretty, but Is It Useful? →
Author is misguided and clearly doesn’t work with data