Stacked Bar Chart

With the stacked version of the bar, compare subcategories across groups. Try not to show too many subcategories though, or it’ll clutter quick.

Who Still Smokes?

Two decades out from the first statewide ban on smoking in enclosed workplaces, here's who still smokes.

Most Common Use of Time, By Age and Sex

Typical time use varies by who you talk to. This interactive shows you the differences when you vary age and sex.

Why time flies when you’re older

When you’re a kid, a year seems like forever. Appending “and a half”…

Reviving the Statistical Atlas of the United States with New Data

Due to budget cuts, there is no plan for an updated atlas. So I recreated the original 1870 Atlas using today's publicly available data.

State Income Tax Brackets Charted

I’m sure you finished your taxes months ago, but here’s a chart of…

Increasing rates of men who don’t work

Recent data from the Census Bureau suggests the rate of non-working men has…

Baseline matters

Sweet, I guess Fox News had it right all along. I’m going to…