Martin Krzywinski, whose previous work includes Circos, digs deep into the presidential debate…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Lexical Analysis of Presidential Debates and the Windbag Index
Who’s Leading Whom? Predictive Markets Versus Polls
This is a guest post from Michael Drumheller, Dirk Karis, Raif Majeed and…
New York Times Rolls Out Campaign Finance API
The New York Times announced the opening of their Developer Network a couple…
3 Applications that Tap Into the Wisdom of Crowds
James Surowiecki writes in The Wisdom of Crowds that the group is smarter…
OneGeology Wants to Be Geological Equivalent of Google Maps
There’s lots of free geographical data about what’s going on at the surface…
If You’re a Criminal on the Run, Don’t Use GPS
With all the new technologies we’ve come to rely on, it’s easy to…
FlowingData Cited in Forbes Magazine?
Whaaa? Cool beans.…
What Do People Want to Do With Their Lives?
43 Things is a goal-setting community where people set goals, cheer each other…
Our Non-ability to Misunderstand Statistics of Rare Events
Cory Doctorow from The Guardian writes about our inability to understand the statistics…
Statistics is a Diverse Field With Different Paths of Study
It’s a focused expertise, but statistcs can be applied to a broad range of fields that produce data.
U.S. Census Bureau’s 2008 Statistical Abstract – Looking at America’s Data
The U.S. Census Bureau released their 2008 Statistical Abstract, the National Data Book,…
The Safest Seat to Sit In On a Plane is…
Popular Mechanics did a study on where it was safest to sit on…
Why Did Andy Dufresne Escape from Shawshank?
To tell a complete and meaningful story, you need to have and provide all the context.
Data and Statistics For Human Rights
Patrick Ball, a human rights statistician, finds truth in numbers while analyzing and…
Atheist Statistics For 2008 – Do You Believe These?
This video shows statistics centered around atheism, claiming that atheism is correlated with…
Reflecting on Life After Statistics – R.I.P. Minghui Yu
Rachel, one of the organizers of Columbia’s Life After Statistics, reflects on lessons…
What Can You Do With a Degree In Statistics? – A Follow Up
This past Friday, Columbia University stat graduate students hosted a symposium on careers…
World Internet City-to-City Connections and Density Maps
Chris Harrison put together a series of Internet maps that show how cities…
Translating Data Into Information that Changes Us
Wondering what statistics is for? This is what.
Data are a whole lot… -
What Are You Going to Do With Your PhD in Statistics?
Statistics graduate students at Columbia University are hosting a symposium on careers for…