
Visualize your data like an expert with hundreds of practical how-tos for presentation, analysis, and understanding.

Working with Map Projections and Shapefiles in R

No need to settle for the mapping defaults in R. Apply map projections to show geographic data in a way most suitable for your work.

How to Download and Use Online Data with Arduino

Before you can do anything with data, you have to get it into the application. Working with an Arduino is no different. Although the process is changes, if you're used to working with desktop software.

Mapping With Shapefiles in R – Getting Started

Geographic data is often available as a shapefile, and there's plenty of heavy software to get that data in a map. R is an open source option, and as a bonus, much of the work can be done in a few lines of code.

Moving Past Default R Charts

Customizing your charts doesn't have to be a time-intensive process. With just a teeny bit more effort, you can get something that fits your needs.

How to Make Interactive Linked Small Multiples

Small multiples are great, and the right interactions can make them even better. A primer and a how-to.

How to Make an Animated, Self-Sorting List

You have a list of things that can be ordered by different values. Let them sort themselves out.

How to Make Dot Density Maps in R

Choropleth maps are useful to show values for areas on a map, but they can be limited. In contrast, dot density maps are sometimes better for showing distributions within regions.

How to Make an Interactive Treemap

Treemaps are useful to view and explore hierarchical data. Interaction can help you look at the data in greater detail.

How to Make Gridded, Equal-Distance Dot Maps

For when your geographic data is evenly spread rather than aggregated by government boundaries.

Downloading Your Email Metadata

Email provides a window into who we interact with and what we do. This tutorial describes how to get that data in the format you want.

Detecting and Plotting Sequence Changes

Change detection for a time series can be tricky, but guess what, there's an R package for that. Then show the results in a custom plot.

How to Make Smoothed Density Maps in R

Too many points to plot often means obscured patterns in the clutter. Density maps offer a smooth alternative.

How to Read and Use Histograms in R

The chart type often goes overlooked because people don't understand them. Maybe this will help.

How to Map Geographic Paths in R

As people and things move through a place, it can be useful to see their connected paths instead of just individual points.

The Baseline and Working with Time Series in R

A big part of statistics is comparisons, and perhaps more importantly, to figure out what to compare things to. Perspective changes with the baseline.

How to Display Text in R

Text can provide much needed context to traditional visual cues and can be used as a visual cue itself in some cases.

Working with Line Maps, the Google Places API, and R

A frequent challenge of visualization is behind the scenes, to get the data and to mold it into the format you need. Do that. Then map.

How to Make a Connected Scatter Plot

The combination of a time series chart and a scatter plot lets you compare two variables along with temporal changes.