
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Vaccine tracker

As we know, it typically takes years to develop a vaccine that is…

Challenges of reopening the meatpacking plant

To reopen safely, meatpacking plants have to take precautions to provide space and…

Health conditions and income

A large proportion of those who died from Covid-19 had pre-existing medical conditions.…

Pen plotter used as storytelling device

Pen plotters slowly draw out a picture line-by-line, so when you watch a…

Visualizing black America in 1900

The visualization work of W.E.B. Du Bois and his students has been on…

A comic on spotting misinformation

There’s a lot of misinformation passing through the internets right now. A lot.…

54 ways coronavirus changed the world

The coronavirus has changed everything. Larry Buchanan, for The New York Times, goes…

Map shows increasing confirmed cases in rural areas

This map by Tim Meko for The Washington Post uses time series lines…

Anatomy of an outbreak

For Reuters, Manas Sharma and Simon Scarr animated a coronavirus outbreak in Singapore…

An Incalculable Loss

The New York Times used their full front page to list 1,000 names…

They Were Us.

This is The New York Times front page for Sunday, May 24, 2020.…

Moves towards reopening the country

Using anonymized cellphone data from SafeGraph, Reade Levinson and Chris Canipe for Reuters…

Reopening states and how they currently measure up

States are reopening. Some seem ready, and some less so. Lena V. Groeger…

Households that lost income

This straightforward grid map by Danielle Alberti for Axios shows the percentage of…

Where unemployment benefits are higher than lost wages

Economists at the University of Chicago analyzed unemployment benefits from the CARES act…

LEGO normal distribution animation

Let’s just animate all statistical concepts with LEGO from now on: My daughter…

How experts use disease modeling to help inform policymakers

Harry Stevens and John Muyskens for The Washington Post put you in the…

Map shows US typefaces named after cities in their geographic location

For The Statesider, Andy Murdock wondered how many typefaces are named after American…