
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Data visualization activities for kids

Nightingale has a kid’s section with printable visualization activities. Get the kids started…

Humorous charts to organize thoughts

When I’m feeling confused about what’s going on around me, I gravitate towards…

Beautiful News, a book charting the good things in the world

From David McCandless and team, who you might know from such books as…

Black neighborhoods split by highways

Rachael Dottle, Laura Bliss and Pablo Robles for Bloomberg on how urban highways…

Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated

The CDC released a chart that shows case, hospitalization, and death rates for…

How the demographics of your neighborhood changed

The San Francisco Chronicle compares demographics in your neighborhood in 2020 against 2010.…

Data recorded in fabric quilt

Kim Moran-Jones quilted temperature minima and maxima in the UK, along with Covid-19…

Atlas of the Invisible

James Cheshire and Oliver Uberti teamed up for another book of maps, Atlas…

Black mortality gap

Anna Flagg, for NYT’s The Upshot, used dots arranged as a stacked area…

Bitcoin power usage

You might have heard that Bitcoin uses a lot of electricity. More than…

New Orleans power outage seen via satellite imagery

After Hurricane Ida, New Orleans experienced power outages. The NASA Earth Observatory show…

Tracking wildfires in the west

Wildfires continue to burn in the western United States. The New York Times…

AI-generated movie posters

Noah Veltman fed an AI movie descriptions and made it generate images. The…

Repulsive curves

Chris Yu, Henrik Schumacher, and Keenan Crane from Carnegie Mellon University are working…

Lightning algorithm

Matt Henderson on Numberphile shows off a “lightning algorithm” which is actually a…

Diversity within the Asian population

Robert Gebeloff, Denise Lu and Miriam Jordan for The New York Times looked…

Inflation isn’t that exciting

For NYT Opinion, Josh Bivens and Stuart A. Thompson argue that you don’t…

NBA carry jobs

With professional basketball, we often hear about carry jobs. There’s one star player…