
Graphics by Nathan Yau, borne out of everyday curiosities, learning experiments, and mild insomnia.

Most Common Occupation by Age

As we get older, job options shift — along with experience, education, and wear on our bodies.

Visualizing Outliers

Step 1: Figure out why the outlier exists in the first place. Step 2: Choose from these visualization options to show the outlier.

Making the Count

As 2020 approaches, let's aim for higher accuracy and less uncertainty.

Waiting For a Table

A simulation to estimate how long until you are seated at a restaurant.

How Different Income Groups Spend Money

After living expenses, where does the money go, and how does it change when you have more cash available?

Visualizing Incomplete and Missing Data

We love complete and nicely formatted data. That's not what we get a lot of the time.

The Demographics of Others

I think we can all benefit from knowing a little more about others these days. This is a glimpse of how different groups live.

Back to the Future, Abridged Chart Edition

Back to more important topics, amirite?

Visualizing the Uncertainty in Data

Data is an abstraction, and it's impossible to encapsulate everything it represents in real life. So there is uncertainty. Here are ways to visualize the uncertainty.

12 Days of ChaRt-mas

As everyone has already checked out for the rest of the year, I'm going to mess around with R to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas and nobody can stop me.

Constructed Career Paths from Job Switching Data

Shifting from one occupation to another can take a swing in the career path. Given your current job, what paths could you take? Here are some constructed possibilities.

Switching Jobs

When people move to different jobs, here's where they go.

Percentage of People Who Married, Given Your Age

Or, given your age, the percentage of fish left in the sea. Here's a chart.

4 Tools to Pick Your Chart Colors

These are the quick and simple tools I use to pick colors to represent data.

American Daily Routine

Sleep. Work. Play. The times and everything in between change depending on who you talk to.