Unemployment and Occupation

Unemployment is still higher than usual, and as you probably know, the shutdowns nationwide have affected industries differently. We could look at unemployment for just this year, but it’s more useful to see what the rate was for last year and compare it to this year. This gives us a baseline to compare against.

The data above comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Life expectancy changes

The data goes back to 1960 and up to the most current estimates for 2009. Each line represents a country.

Divorce Rates for Different Groups

We know when people usually get married. We know who never marries. Finally, it’s time to look at the other side: divorce and remarriage.

Seeing How Much We Ate Over the Years

How long will chicken reign supreme? Who wins between lemon and lime? Is nonfat ice cream really ice cream? Does grapefruit ever make a comeback? Find out in these charts.

What Qualifies as Middle-Income in Each State

The meaning of “middle-income” changes a lot depending on where you live and your household size.