Unemployment and Occupation

Unemployment is still higher than usual, and as you probably know, the shutdowns nationwide have affected industries differently. We could look at unemployment for just this year, but it’s more useful to see what the rate was for last year and compare it to this year. This gives us a baseline to compare against.

The data above comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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10 Best Data Visualization Projects of 2015

These are my picks for the best of 2015. As usual, they could easily appear in a different order on a different day, and there are projects not on the list that were also excellent.

Pizza Place Geography

Most of the major pizza chains are within a 5-mile …

How People Like You Spend Their Time

Looking at American time use for various combinations of sex, age, and employment status, on weekdays and weekends.

Where People Run in Major Cities

There are many exercise apps that allow you to keep …