Unemployment and Occupation

Unemployment is still higher than usual, and as you probably know, the shutdowns nationwide have affected industries differently. We could look at unemployment for just this year, but it’s more useful to see what the rate was for last year and compare it to this year. This gives us a baseline to compare against.

The data above comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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Watching the Growth of Walmart

The ever so popular Walmart growth map gets an update, and yes, it still looks like a wildfire. Sam’s Club follows soon after, although not nearly as vigorously.

Toilet Paper Calculator

Maybe you’re starting to run low. Here’s how much you’ll need when you go to restock.

How Much Minimum Wage Changed in Each State

Minimum wage has increased over the years, but by how much depends on where you live.

10 Best Data Visualization Projects of 2017

It was a rough year, which brought about a lot of good work. Here are my favorite data visualization projects of the year.