“Bayes, duh.”
Resource Links
Nate Silver on Deadspin →
Pattern →
Web mining module for Python
Returning to Visualizations →
Slidedeck from Rachel Binx’s talk
Computational thinking and life skills →
“Focus on understanding why the program is doing what it’s doing, rather than why it’s not doing what you wanted it to.”
Shiny →
RStudio release “makes it super simple for R users like you to turn analyses into interactive web applications”
How to fail three tests in one chart →
Design exercise versus straight charts
Why fiction writers should learn math →
About process and details
How Nate Silver won the election with Data Science →
How Nate Silver won the election with Data Science. Statisticians won this round.
What should we expect from Silver? →
At least one state wrong, and likely two or three
Charting Election Night →
NYT graphics has a tumblr for election night
Wen Family Empire →
Interesting organization to show flow in a network diagram
Power outages during Hurricane Sandy →
Opting for a string of images generated in R rather than generate them with SVG/JavaScript
1,400 rectangles →
Ratios drawn by a bunch of math teachers
Big Data Right Now: Five Trendy Open Source Technologies →
Not sure if he knows what he’s talking about but hey, R is in there
Purists stay clear; many rules to be broken →
Honestly wouldn’t have considered some of these rules in the first place, but some good points
Watching Sandy in R →
Code to make a hurricane map [via]
Nate Silver, Artist of Uncertainty →
From online poker to predicting elections
GitHub Archive →
Public GitHub timeline for easy access
Geometry simplification →
Demo by Jason Davies for simplifying geographic boundaries in D3
Urine Wheel →
Old graphic on diagnosing metabolic diseases, based on color, smell, and taste