Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.
Readability of privacy policies for big tech companies
For The New York Times, Kevin Litman-Navarro plotted the length and readability of…
Increasing ocean temperatures, decreasing ice
For National Geographic, Kennedy Elliot made a series of heatmaps that show the…
The role of cartography in early global explorations
For Lapham’s Quarterly, Elizabeth Della Zazzera turns back the clock to maps used…
What to expect at data visualization job interviews
Krist Wongsuphasawat, who recently interviewed for a healthy helping of visualization jobs, outlines…
Mapping Bob Ross
Fathom Information Design recently made tools to find patterns in documents of text.…
Map of the most popular people replacing the cities they lived in
For The Pudding, Matt Daniels and Russell Goldenberg used Wikipedia pageviews to replace…
Jeopardy! winners making chart jokes
James Holzhauer is on a record-breaking Jeopardy! win streak. It’s not so much…
Charts as a medium for expression
Christine Sun Kim, a deaf artist known for her work visualizing and creating…
Why some Asian accents swap Ls and Rs
Vox delves into why Ls and Rs often get replaced by Asian speakers…
Getting to zero coal in Britain
For The Guardian, Niko Kommenda shows the decrease in coal usage for power…
Rise of the summer sequel
For The New York Times, Keith Collins shows the growing popularity of summer…
New abortion restrictions by state, since 2011
For FiveThirtyEight, Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux and Gus Wezerek categorized and mapped new abortion restrictions…
Mapping politically polarized cities
Rachael Dottle, for FiveThirtyEight, looked for political differences in cities and ranked them,…
Game of Thrones viewer ratings by season
The last episode is coming. Some people don’t like how it’s ending, and…
More candidates and earlier
For Bloomberg, Lauren Leatherby and Paul Murray describe the heightened eagerness to enter…
Interactive explainer for how disease and ideas spread through a network
Kevin Simler uses interactive simulations to explain how things — ideas, disease, memes…