Welcome to FlowingData, Boing Boing Readers

Welcome, Boing Boing readers. If you’re new to FlowingData, you might want to read the about page to find out what FlowingData is all about. Essentially, I like to cover how people from different fields — statistics, computer science, design, etc — are using data to explore ourselves and the environment around us, mainly with data visualization.

Oftentimes, data (or information) just gets overlooked or misinterpreted. We should work on changing that, and I think that data visualization is the way to make people see.

Feel free to take a look at the archive or some of the more popular posts listed on the sidebar, and of course, if you like what you see, you can stay updated by subscribing to the feed.

Thanks to Boing Boing for linking here and to Mike for making the suggestion!