
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Visualizing nonlinear stories

Many stories don’t follow a linear format. There are flashbacks, or multiple timelines…

Logos drawn from memory

Signs asked 150 people to draw famous logos — Apple, Starbucks, Burger King,…

LaVar Ball trolling to the top, through a tweet count lens

I didn’t know who LaVar Ball was, and suddenly, it was non-stop sports…

Triangulate a picture

Triangulate, a fun tool made by Michael Freeman, lets you upload a picture…

How fake data goes viral

BuzzFeed describes how an article on Daily Mail — that falsely reported claims…

Nine rounds a second sonified

The New York Times used sonification along with a dot plot to demonstrate…

Mass exodus at human scale

Big numbers are too abstract in our minds to fully understand the scale…

Grid map variations

Grid maps are a useful way to show state-level data, as they give…

Given your income, most beneficial tax breaks

With the release of the Republican proposed tax plan, Reuben Fischer-Baum and Kevin…

LEGO world map

Check out this five-foot long LEGO world map. [W]e wanted to have a…

Time map shows locations based on how long it takes to get there

With the premise that we often search for locations based on how long…

Thermal structure of Hurricane Maria

Hurricane Maria touched down in Puerto Rico. This visualization by Joshua Stevens at…

Visual narrative of six asylum seekers

We often visualize migration and people movement as lines that go from point…

Computer uses wind to mine cryptocurrency and then fund climate research

HARVEST is an art piece by Julian Oliver that consists of a 4G-connected…

Aviation tracker with depth

I’ve grown bored of maps that show commuter traffic, but for whatever reason,…

Tour of Saturn through Cassini, the satellite that crashes on Friday

About two decades ago, the Cassini satellite headed towards Saturn and has been…

Landsat satellite imagery browser

Downloading and viewing satellite imagery is a bit of a process. There are…

Comparing the strength of Hurricane Irma against previous hurricanes

For perspective, The New York Times compares the strength of Hurricane Irma to…