
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Data visualization(-ish) in the style of famous artists

DALL-E is an AI system from OpenAI that creates images from text. You…

Housing displacement after disasters

Christopher Flavelle, for The New York Times, reported on the lack of support…

Florence Nightingale’s use of data visualization to persuade in the 19th century

For Scientific American, RJ Andrews looks back at the visualization work of Florence…

A plea to stop climate change from the guy who makes maps

For Washington Post Opinion, a struggling mapmaker makes a plea to stop climate…

Visualizing Delaunay Triangulation

Delaunay triangulations have applications in computer graphics, spatial analysis, and visualization. They “maximize…

Timelines for record temperatures

Speaking of the heat wave in Europe, Pierre Breteau for Le Monde charted…

Melting popsicles to visualize a heat wave

Many European countries are experience record high temperatures, so The Washington Post used…

Rhythm in plant cells

Researchers are studying the electrical rhythms in plant cells. I’m not sure what…

Country-wide housing shortage

Emily Badger and Eve Washington for NYT’s The Upshot show how the housing…

Full scope of gun deaths in the U.S.

As I’m sure you know, mass shootings, which gain attention because the scale…

Empty school buses as a representation of student lives lost

The NRA Children’s Museum from Change the Ref is a mile-long convoy of…

Data Visualization Humble Bundle

There’s a data visualization book bundle on Humble Bundle this month. Get twenty-two…

Why the galaxy pictures from the Webb telescope are pretty cool

The first public picture from the James Webb telescope is kind of cool…

Income ladder for the children of immigrants

You’ve probably seen the moving bubbles that show how something changes over time.…

A lot of galaxies

NASA released an image from the Webb First Deep Field telescope, which shows…

Where there is more livestock than people in the United States

The United States Department of Agriculture provides annual inventory data on livestock, crops,…

Money distribution for streaming music

From the listener perspective, we pay our monthly or annual fees and just…

Shrinking middle-class

Income distribution continues to stretch on the high end and squish on the…