
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Dopplr Presents Personal Travel Report to All Users

Dopplr is a service that lets you share your travel schedule with friends…

2008 Feltron Annual Report Now Available

After Nicholas Felton’s ever popular 2005, 2006 and 2007 annual report on himself,…

Ford Turns to Design and Data Visualization to Boost Sales

Ford sales are suffering. In an attempt to improve, they’re going green with…

Tools You Need to Track Energy Consumption – WattzOn

“Climate change is a global problem. But it’s individuals who will create the…

Browser Wars – A New Take on Streamgraphs

Because it’s Friday – PixelLabs puts a cartoon-ish spin on streamgraphs. Who will…

Animated Map Shows One Year of Edits to OpenStreetMap

I admit it. I’m a sucker for animated maps – especially when there’s…

Visual Guide to General Motors’ Financial Woes

As you’ve probably heard, General Motors has come on some financial troubles and…

Graphs Lead to Decline in Love

Coincidence. Absolutely. Lisa Simpson agrees. Have a good weekend all. [via xkcd |…

9 Ways to Visualize Consumer Spending

GOOD Magazine’s most recent infographic (above and below) on consumer spending got me…

Researchers Map Chaos Inside Cancer Cell

The thing about cancer cells is that they suck. Their DNA is all…

Budweiser Maps Drinkabilty of Bud Light Beer

Yes, watered down and flavorless beer has high drinkability. You know, sort of…

Urban Heartbeat of European Cities – Urban Mobs

During major events, people use their mobile phones to share their emotions: the…

Because It’s Friday

Have a good weekend all. I’ll be getting buried in the expected 12…

5 Best Data Visualization Projects of the Year

Data visualization continues to grow online and in the real world. It exists…

Visualize Music Collections With MusicBox

The great thing about being a graduate student is that you get to…

Sculptural Data Visualization – Stock Market and GDP

In his latest data sculptures, Andreas Nicolas Fischer places data visualization in a…

Winner of Tufte Books and Many Other Good Entries

I ran a contest last week to improve a graph from Swivel that…

What Jobs Are There in Data Visualization?

I got an email from Harald asking, “How does the job market for…