In the 1980s, students and researchers at UCLA, led by marketing professor Alan…
More than mean, median, and mode.
Companies learn your secrets with data about you
Jeremy Lin is no fluke
Nate Silver looks at past players who have scored 20 or more points,…
An action plan for data science, a decade ago
Data science has been covered at length during the past couple of years,…
Challenges measuring crime worldwide
You would think that something so concrete, carefully recorded by authorities, wouldn’t be…
Texting on the toilet
I thought this riveting post on the New York Times Bits blog about…
More people want to learn statistics
Data is hot right now, so as you would expect, more people are…
The Fixie Bike Index and hipsters
Priceonomics takes the association of fixie bikes to hipsters, and creates the Fixie…
Social network analysis used to convict slumlords
In working with tenants to help their city attorney convict a group of…
Lego mathematics and growing complexity in networks
Legos are the best toys ever invented. That’s indisputable fact. So it’s no…
Predicting the future of prediction
Tarot cards don’t cut it anymore as a predictors. We turn to data…
Teamwork and collaboration that built Watson
Team lead, David Ferrucci, recalls the early days of putting together the team…
Algorithm estimates who’s in control
Jon Kleinberg, whose work influenced Google’s PageRank, is working on ranking something else.…
When numbers are too factual
Carl Bialik, for The Wall Street Journal, reports on PSAs and the use…
Causation is real, people
Stop global warming. Decrease the National Science Foundation’s R&D budget. It’s so easy.…
What Facebook knows about you
Facebook logs and saves a lot of data about you and what you…
Fox News still makes awesome charts
Charts and graphs are great, because they can let you see a pattern…
Four degrees of separation
Testing the idea of six degrees of separation, first proposed by Frigyes Karinthy,…
Finding best deals: Black Friday is for retailers
There’s so much emphasis and attention on Black Friday, the day of sales…
Statisticians and significant digits
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal on significant digits and statisticians’ natural disbelief in numbers.…
Analysis of Steve Jobs tribute messages
Apple has a page dedicated to Steve Jobs that displays messages from friends,…