All the National Food Days

Once I paid attention, it started to feel like there were a whole lot of national food and drink days in the United States. National Chili Dog Day. National Donut Day. National Beer Day. I’m totally for this, as I will accept any excuse to consume any of these items. But still, there seems to be a lot.

According to this list, 214 days of the year are a food or drink day. Every single day of July was one. How is one to keep track? I gotta plan, you know?

So here are all the days in calendar form. Today, August 18, is National Pinot Noir Day. Tomorrow is National Potato Day.

Hold on to your britches next week. Every single day has you covered, and they’re all desserts.

Nerd Notes

  • Some calendar days have more than one claiming food or drink item, which makes for a list of 302 items. I only showed the first, out of convenience.
  • Some food items can cover multiple categories. In these cases, I just went with my gut.
  • I made this with d3.js and a little bit of R. This calendar example by Kathy Zhou got me most of the way there.

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