Is it okay to date your brother’s wife’s cousin? Flowchart it.

Aug 20, 2010

Dating can be tough. What should you talk about? Where should you go? Most importantly, should you even be dating that person? Erik Bryan and Jennifer Daniel help you out with that last one. Not sure whether it’s appropriate to date that person or not? Consult this detailed flowchart. I know you’ve got a hot date tomorrow night.

Do you have a pre-exisiting personal relationship? Are you related? Is it your brother’s wife’s cousin? Make it happen, captain.

Is it your Xbox? Are you over 18? Do you want to not be alone for the rest of your life? Put down the controller and go take a shower. Your genitals will thank you. If, however, you are under 18… game on. Although, please proceed with caution. [via @jenniferdaniel]


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