Jen Lowe tracks her heart rate with a Basis watch, and she’s showing the last 24 hours of that data in One Human Heartbeat.
Basis doesn’t provide an open API, so I access the data using a variation of this code. The heartrate you see is from 24 hours ago. This is because the data can only be accessed via usb connection. Twice a day I connect the watch and upload my latest heartrates to the database. I’ve been doing this for 33 days now.
It’s March 25, 2014, and statistics say I have about 16452 days left.
On the surface, it’s just a pulsating light on a screen, but somehow it feels like more than that. The countdown aspect makes me uneasy, as if I were watching a ticker on someone’s life, or my own even. I want to keep watching though, because it continues to pulsate. It’s hopeful.