
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Names Mentioned in Debates by Major Presidential Candidates

As usual, The New York Times graphics department churns out another useful graphic. This time it's in network diagram form.

One Day in the Life of the Average American

Time Magazine’s multimedia section has a fun, little piece showing some statistics for…

Three Designers, a Statistician, and Migration Inflows Data

After two weeks at Visualizar, I’m back in the United States. It’s good…

San Francisco Police Department Incident Reporting and Analysis Tool

I came across the San Francisco Police Department Incident and Reporting Tool, and…

News Flowing Through Moveable Type at The New York Times Building

Every day during the summer I walked past “Moveable Type” in The New…

Many Eyes Now Has Better Mapping Visualization

Many Eyes now has more detailed mapping functionality with the help of ESRI…

US Demographics Visualizer Using Virtual Earth

While on the topic of maps here’s a Microsoft Virtual Earth mashup —…

Watch the Money Clock to See What You’ve Earned

Despite being surrounded with ads, this money clock was kind of, um, interesting.…

Competitive Edge Explorer to Display Demographics

The Competitive Edge Explorer is a mapping project from the MIT Laboratory for…

A Magazine Dedicated Entirely to Visualizing Something Useful

GOOD Magazine is “media for people who give a damn.” While so much…

How Do You Visualize Time in a Drawing?

Icastic has a fun (and growing) collection of (currently) 247 hand-drawings from contributors…

Presidential Nomination Polls With Smoothers

It almost feels like I see a new poll every day for who’s…

World Freedom Atlas

World Freedom Atlas is an online geo-visualization tool that shows a number of…

Find a Replacement for this Ugly Venn Diagram

This venn diagram showing results from tests for Autism really seems to be…

Misleading Map of Buffalo Snow

I saw this map of the average snow levels in Buffalo. I think…

Visualization of US Flight Patterns

When I think airplanes and data visualization, I think of Aaron Koblin’s Flight…

John Snow’s Famous Cholera Map

If you’ve read any books on visualization, without a doubt, you’ve seen John…

Showing Large Numbers to Scale

Chris Jordan’s series, Running the Numbers: An American Portrait, just opened this weekend…