
Showing the stories in data through statistics, design, aesthetics, and code.

Galaxy of cover songs

A fun one from Interactive Things that shows cover songs with a galaxy…

Taxi ride volume during Super Bowl key moments

A high percentage of Americans are glued to the television or party sample…

Wind prediction and potential power

As we use up current energy resources, it grows more important to look…

Small multiples for NBA game differentials

Adam Pearce charted minute-by-minute point differentials for NBA games during the 2014-15 season.…

Sum of life’s parts

What if you relived life’s activities in big clumps? Thirty years of sleeping…

Same source, different styles

Jaakko Seppälä drew ten comic characters, each in its original style and in…

Satellite time-lapse of Earth

Charlie Loyd, who works with satellite imagery at Mapbox, put together a 12-second…

Counting your days left with emoji

While we’re on the topic of life expectancy, Tim Urban of Wait But…

Punctuation only in literary works

What do you get if you take famous literary works, strip out all…

Immigration history

American immigration history is chock full of policies and restrictions, and you can…

Antibiotic history and the winning bacteria

We take antibiotics. Bacteria dies, but some lives, evolves and develops a resistance…

Visual breakdown of additives in food

In their book Ingredients, Dwight Eschliman and Steve Ettlinger explore additives in common…

Shakespeare tragedies as network graphs

Martin Grandjean looked at the structure of Shakespeare tragedies through character interactions. Each…

Atlas of United States history

In a collaboration between the Digital Scholarship Lab at the University of Richmond…

10 Best Data Visualization Projects of 2015

These are my picks for the best of 2015. As usual, they could easily appear in a different order on a different day, and there are projects not on the list that were also excellent.

All known planets outside our solar system

Jan Willem Tulp, in collaboration with Visualized, shows all known exoplanets (currently 1,942…

Tour of a million stars

The Online Star Register takes you through a delightful view of a million…

Timelines show Star Wars character interactions

Remember when xkcd charted character interactions for fictional stories? Inspired by that and…