50/50 Spins
For no particular reason on this particular day, here are spinners to try your hand at random everyday things with even odds. Good luck.
Rain or Shine
When there’s a 50/50 chance that it’s going to rain on any given day, usually my kids will bring an umbrella to school.
Double or Nothing
You have a chance to double your cash, but you could also lose it all, which is why you don’t put your live savings on one bet at the Blackjack table.
Make or Miss
You miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take, as they say. Even when the result is too close to call, you do what you can and focus on what you can control.
Living or Dying
When you have the chance to choose your path, I hope you choose to get busy living.
Many things in our lives are a toss-up, but we make choices anyway, because we do the best with what we have. Individually, a choice might not seem like a lot. In aggregate, our choices are everything.
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