Famous Hope Quotes as Charts

I thought we (i.e. me) could use a break, so I made these abstract charts to represent the most popular quotes about hope on Goodreads.

I used to make charts like these a lot. See also famous movie quotes and chart-topping songs. Took me back to a simpler time. Hopefully we’ll be back there soon.

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Think Like a Statistician – Without the Math

I call myself a statistician, because, well, I’m a statistics graduate student. However, the most important things I’ve learned are less formal, but have proven extremely useful when working/playing with data.

Causes of Death

There are many ways to die. Cancer. Infection. Mental. External. This is how different groups of people died over the past 10 years, visualized by age.

Best Data Visualization Projects of 2016

Here are my favorites for the year.

The Changing American Diet

See what we ate on an average day, for the past several decades.