Olympic rings as data symbols

Artist Gustavo Sousa used the Olympic rings as data indicators for statistics like obesity, homicides, and number of billionaires. Each ring represents a continent, and the larger the ring, the larger the value. Simple and an interesting metaphor shift.


  • Which ring represents which continent?

    • Didn’t know it at the beginning, but halfway through the animation I was able to guess the colors:

      Red: Americas
      Green: Asia
      Black: Europe
      Yellow: Africa
      Blue: Oceania

  • would have said the same thing. otherwise it was pretty, and pretty straightforward

  • Interesting how this site is hell-bent to attack Fox News over PERCEIVED inaccuracies, which assume a stupid audience (sounds like bias to me), and ignores the obvious issues with this graphic. Interesting.

  • It looked to me like they were making the radius of the circle correspond to the value of the statistic, which makes the big ones seem *really* big. I think it would have been better to use area instead of radius. Or maybe my perception is wrong.