Map of London colored by what team the majority supports. Not much of a soccer… ahem, sorry, football fan. Accurate? [QPRdotorg via We Love Datavis]
Football supporter map of London

Map of London colored by what team the majority supports. Not much of a soccer… ahem, sorry, football fan. Accurate? [QPRdotorg via We Love Datavis]
Thanks for sharing this fantastic visualization, Nathan. As a footballer and information design obsessed viewer, I have to say that I’m quite intrigued! : )
Shouldn’t there be a code for Manchester Utd. supporters? :-)
No ManU or Liverpool? Yet leyton orient has a huge section… they are league one and not EPL or Championship…3rd level. Not much of a map. Seems faked. But it is London and not england proper so who knows.
for eric and juve; Manchester Utd plays in Manchester and Liverpool plays in Liverpool. This is a map of London. You are morons.
No they’re not morons: many clubs have supporters outside their home cities (Manchester United is notorious for it).
Map says it doesn’t include glory hunters. Americans football/soccer fans struggle with the concept of supporting your local team no matter how bad or good they are since most fans look down on the mls even though its local
It doesn’t matter how sexy the visualization is if it doesn’t show reality. This map indicates there are zero ManU or Liverpool fans in London. Zero. That is not real.
No it doesn’t. It indicates that there are no boroughs in London that have a MAJORITY of ManU or Liverpool fans over other clubs, which is true.
Sean has it right there.
It shows who the majority in each borough support. Hence there could be very large numbers of fair-weather Man U types in each borough but they are always outnumbered by more local team supporters.
It says on the bottom of the map that it is showing traditional supporters and not glory hunters.
So a ‘traditional supporter’ can only support a club near him otherwise he is a ‘glory hunter’! And I wonder why Arsenal fans have a ‘colony’ in West Hounslow and West Ham in South Croydon!
No Arsenal or Spurs support south of the river! Or maybe they are also considered “glory hunters”! Strange, I lived in Brixton late 80s/early 90s, Arsenal were the best supported with some Palace, Chelsea was probably 3rd. I often saw loads of Arsenal fans going home south of the river after games on the tube.